Plug into the RPCV Professional Network 

Whether you’re completing service or contemplating a next step along a windy career path, RPCVnexus provides career services and post-service support to the entire Peace Corps Community. 

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Regular Career Services
& Events

  • 1-on-1 Conversations to translate skills for a résumé, prepare for an interview, or get guidance on your job search
  • Career Panels & Skill Discussions with RPCVs talking about their places of work and areas of expertise

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Education & Career

  • Compilation of Job Boards sorted by industry that are most frequently used to find work in the areas you care about
  • Recordings and Articles from others who tell of their paths to education or work so your experience is easier to traverse

Start Searching


Connect with RPCV

  • RPCV Groups who share commonalities based on locality, country of service, cause, or workplace
  • Community-Wide Mentoring Program pairs you with a Mentor to learn from or Mentee to share expertise with 

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Pay it Forward

Have you used RPCVnexus to further your career? Pay it forward with us so that those who follow us may also benefit as we strengthen the RPCV Professional Community. Thank you in advance!

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