Post-Service Resource Library
If there’s an additional resource or information that helped you along your journey that RPCVs should know about or if there’s something you’re looking for that’s not in our one-stop-shop, email us at!
Latest Release
Writing Your Resume
Are you signed up for a coming Peace Corps Job Fair or submitting your resume to jobs?
Watch our most recent Resume Writing Session to pick up the tips and tricks as you further prepare your resume for submission. If you’d like a copy of the free Resume Template, reach out to and we’ll send one over!
RPCV Career Pathways
Ep. 15 RPCVnexus Career Pathway: Panel of RPCVs working in the Global and Public Health Sector with Michal Fox (RPCV Rwanda), Madeline Steiner (RPCV Madagascar), Natalie gish (RPCV Guinea), Emily Frost (RPCV Burkina Faso), Charlie Darr (RPCV Benin), and Sarah Singer (Friend of the Peace Corps Community)
Recording pending
Ep. 14 RPCVnexus Career Pathway: Using NCE as an RPCV and USAJobs Walkthrough with Ben Deese (RPCV China) and Jonathan Keenan (RPCV Cameroon)
Ep. 13 RPCVnexus Career Pathway: Panel of RPCVs working at FEMA with Megan FitzGerald (RPCV Kenya), Tka Tyne (RPCV Guyana), and Zane Heather, RPCV Costa Rica
Ep. 12 RPCVnexus Career Pathway: Panel of RPCVs working in the Cyber & Data Sector with Michael Behrman (RPCV Gambia), Lie Njie (RPCV Gambia), Nimu Sidhu (RPCV Liberia), Stephanie Shelton (RPCV Tonga), and Joshua Union (RPCV Paraguay)
Ep. 11 RPCVnexus Career Pathway: Panel of RPCVs with USAID with Joe O’Connor (RPCV ) and Chandler Woods (RPCV )
Ep. 10 RPCVnexus Career Pathway: Panel of RPCVs with the GSA with Erika Oberle (RPCV Philippines), Susan Wu (RPCV Costa Rica) and Michael Booker (RPCV Tonga)
Ep. 9 RPCVnexus Résumé Writing
Ep. 8 Career Pathways: Peace Corps’ Virtual Service Program with Kelsey McMahon (RPCV S. Africa) & Brian Gillickin, (RPCV Georgia)
Ep. 7 Career Pathways: Panel of RPCVs at the CDC with Erika Oberle (RPCV Philippines), Susan Wu (RPCV Costa Rica), and Michael Booker (RPCV Tonga)
Ep. 6 Career Pathways: DEI with Jianca Reid (RPCV Thailand)
EP. 5 Career Pathways: Advocacy with Jonathan Pearson (RPCV Micronesia)
Ep. 4 Career Pathways: Museum Studies with Zack Klim, PhD (RPCV Bangladesh)
Ep. 3 Returning From Service: COSing with a Pet with Alex Swanson (RPCV Panama)
Ep. 2 Career Pathways: Entrepreneurship with Sam Rowen (RPCV Cameroon)
Ep. 1 Resume & Job Fair Preparation – Jan 2024
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All statements, written or spoken are made by RPCVs as individuals and do not represent the organization they are employed by.